Consultancy Services
We help small, medium and educational institutions plan for development projects and implementing change.

Facilities Management
We provide total FM services including logistics, security, cleaning, grounds, waste management, travel, transport and car-parking.
We develop efficient facilities strategies through internal and outsourced provision of manual and professional services.

Contract Management
We are Experienced in negotiating, supporting and managing effective contracts.
We Ensure there is compliance with all statutory and regulatory guidelines and resolve contractual issues including managing change order requests across the contract.

Procurement & Outsourcing
While undertaking full accountability for the performance of outsourced suppliers, we direct the management of funds to ensure that all investments are aligned to the organisation’s asset management strategy.

We review allocate and relocate systems, processes and resources to ensure more cohesive and interactive ways to meet and exceed industry standards.
We drive results through developing ways of working collaboratively with maximum use of in-house and specialist resources.